Kids Voice III: 4th Grade Marble Experiment

Ruggles Lane School News

In 4th grade we did an amazing science friction and energy experiment! If you want to know how to do this yourself and have a ton of fun learning, read on in this blog.


The above picture shows the materials you need: 1 wrapping paper tube, 6 dominoes, 2 marbles and a meter stick. What happens in this experiment is we stack three dominoes on a surface. We balance the tube on the dominoes then we roll down the marble and when the marble stops we measure how far it went in centimeters. Did you know that 100 cm = 1 meter?

Some questions we asked ourselves are:

  • Question 1: Would the marble go farther on a rug or a smooth surface? Our hypothesis was that the marble would go farther on a smooth surface because the carpet creates more friction. Click here to see what happens on the rug and

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